Critical Evaluation for Group Tutorial: Future-Focused

Critical Evaluation (Future-Focused) – text prepared for group tutorial session Thursday 13th June 2019: The MA Summer Show preparation has allowed me to consolidate an idea that was embedded in my work from the outset: the painting plus its video as a single module of installation. I intend to continue this trajectory already having further oil paintings […]


Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney 4.30pm Monday 20th May 2019: This tutorial, successfully undertaken online away from the studio was a chance to have a good chat with Jonathan concerning the Summer show. Fortunately I was in a position to have filled out the Summer Show Planning 2019 list on our wiki page, so we had […]


Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney: 3.45pm Monday 12th November 2018 Jonathan was very supportive and encouraging. Now, just a day away from the Project Proposal and blog curation deadline, I am almost ready. I have learned much by re-reading all my posts over the last year. It has been a challenge to categorise as many of […]


2nd One-to-One Research Paper tutorial with Gareth Polmeer Wednesday 26th September 2018 at 16.00: Tutorial was very helpful, and much appreciated Gareth’s insight, mostly in terms of clarifying the conclusion. Then I need to tidy it up throughout – so still plenty to do on it. Header image of the indoor garden I am cultivating […]


Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney 30th May 2018 Brief summary: Discussed all that I have been up to since the last tutorial including painting, photo-documenting and research statement. My project has been evolving – a year ahead is not too soon to envisage an outcome. There is an opportunity to show an interim piece of work at the […]


First Tutorial: Monday 30th October 2107 (9.30 am) with Jonathan Kearney I benefitted hugely from this and felt very encouraged to do all that I had in mind (I have a lot in mind and did a lot of talking – too much to write here) and more. In particular, I see that it is important […]