Critical Evaluation for Group Tutorial: Future-Focused

Critical Evaluation (Future-Focused) – text prepared for group tutorial session Thursday 13th June 2019: The MA Summer Show preparation has allowed me to consolidate an idea that was embedded in my work from the outset: the painting plus its video as a single module of installation. I intend to continue this trajectory already having further oil paintings […]

Symposium 2 – reflecting on feedback

I have had some problems retrieving the Skype feedback of my online peers but one thing I remember was the feedback in terms of hearing my  narration. I have discovered over the course of the MA that I really enjoy narrating. This has given me encouragement and impetus with respect to creating narratives to the […]

Recording from Camberwell MA Fine Art Digital Studio of Symposium 2

Feedback for reference purposes, my section and feedback from the studio to be found near the beginning of the video below at 19.40 – 33 .00 Also, additional comments from online peers were recorded on Skype chat

Symposium 2

Symposium 2 video for presentation, 30th May 2019; with transcript below: Transcript: A painting is an aesthetic entity; it exists as it is and that is enough. But for me it has also not been enough as I have asked myself all along as to why the painting is as it is, rather than any […]

A Return

This year’s residency just finished has been a very rich and intense experience. One opportunity I found particularly valuable was being shown how to make a projection mapping installation at South Kiosk Gallery in Peckham. We worked in groups and achieved a poetic end result which in turn made me think of my painting. This surprised me as […]

Poetry of Ted Hughes

My fellow artist, MA peer and husband Alexis Rago has just received a couple of poetry books by Ted Hughes. Alexis particularly likes the Crow poems. Reading these poems prompted me to do some research on Ted Hughes’ psychology. I found this article containing a letter written by Hughes himself, offering first-hand insight. I specifically shared the article with Dwa, […]


Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney: 3.45pm Monday 12th November 2018 Jonathan was very supportive and encouraging. Now, just a day away from the Project Proposal and blog curation deadline, I am almost ready. I have learned much by re-reading all my posts over the last year. It has been a challenge to categorise as many of […]


Furniture poetry (link) Mmmm, so, what does a painting do when it is not being looked at? Note to self: It matters that it is in the world// whether it is looked at or not – it is there, to be looked at// waiting // waiting indefinitely// being an uncertainty//life defining//defined by it//make video painting poetry//reverse pictopoiesis?//mm […]

Exploring origins

Header image: Omphalos – finding new visual form for Nicholas Gulig’s poem ( links are shown in bold) Thinking about what Whitman means when he writes at the end of section 2 of Song of Myself, …you shall possess the origin of all poems…, I see we already possess it, that origin, it is still there, hidden in […]