Macrocosmic, Microcosmic

Timelapse of the future (video) As if through a window, a single point then line, a universe, and back again – animated sketch of a single line drawing: note to self: The universe inside the black dot/macrocosm, microcosm

A Significant Difference

There is a significant difference in quality between the digital files I habitually post (as in 2nd image below) and the high res files (immediatley below). The high re files allow for closer scrutiny of fine detail (enlargement in the header image) giving a better idea of the painting (123 x 125 cm) in real life, not possible using the lower […]

A Return

This year’s residency just finished has been a very rich and intense experience. One opportunity I found particularly valuable was being shown how to make a projection mapping installation at South Kiosk Gallery in Peckham. We worked in groups and achieved a poetic end result which in turn made me think of my painting. This surprised me as […]

Referencing William Kentridge

Our Skype chat Thursday featured William Kentridge. I already knew the three videos that Jonathan presented. Below are the two Kentridge videos that I cited in my research paper. Kentridge has worked things out by filtering them through himself, not taking things second hand and because of that, he is able to talk with a […]

Why it is dangerous to think virtual reality is an empathy machine.

I would have liked to have had this as reference material for my research paper but I only just got it from Aeon (online). I receive their newsletter and recommend it. There is even a publishable transcript for this article through this link. The header image is of my aeonium plants, which I juxtaposed with the […]

Six Persimmons

I am always interested in the divergences and convergences of different traditions of thought and philosophy, for example the Western and Eastern. My actual practice arises out of the Western tradition but my philosophical approach seems to also correspond with the notion of Tao – an Eastern concept. There is so much more to find […]

Tutorials with Gareth Polmeer

Tutorial with Gareth Polmeer: 16.00 Wednesday 13th June 2018 Today’s Skype tutorial went well. I was able to send Gareth the first draft of my research question and an abstract for the statement. I am doing much background reading on the subject of poiesis and still gathering together my main references.  I have already written […]


Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney 30th May 2018 Brief summary: Discussed all that I have been up to since the last tutorial including painting, photo-documenting and research statement. My project has been evolving – a year ahead is not too soon to envisage an outcome. There is an opportunity to show an interim piece of work at the […]