Circular – Cyclical – Circadian

from rhythm, to flow (also to flood), to circular, to cyclical, to circadian: circular /ˈsəːkjʊlə/ Learn to pronounce adjective adjective: circular 1. having the form of a circle. “the building features a circular atrium” synonyms: round, disc-shaped, disc-like; More (of a movement or journey) starting and finishing at the same place and often following roughly the circumference of an […]

Flow – Flood

From rhythm to flow to flood and back again – a circular speculation flow /fləʊ/ Learn to pronounce verb verb: flow; 3rd person present: flows; past tense: flowed; past participle: flowed; gerund or present participle: flowing 1. (of a liquid, gas, or electricity) move steadily and continuously in a current or stream. “from here the river flows north” synonyms: run, move, go […]

Rhythm / ‘to flow’

Definition and etymology rhythm /ˈrɪð(ə)m/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: rhythm; plural noun: rhythms 1. a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound. “Ruth listened to the rhythm of his breathing” synonyms: pattern, flow, tempo, regular features, recurrent nature “part of the normal rhythm of daily life” the systematic arrangement of musical sounds, principally according to duration and periodical stress. […]

Critical Evaluation for Group Tutorial: Future-Focused

Critical Evaluation (Future-Focused) – text prepared for group tutorial session Thursday 13th June 2019: The MA Summer Show preparation has allowed me to consolidate an idea that was embedded in my work from the outset: the painting plus its video as a single module of installation. I intend to continue this trajectory already having further oil paintings […]

There’s a Poem for That – TEDEd

The below is interesting, connecting with previous post and for correspondences with my own videos soon to be shown at the Summer show. Will post them up when completed – there are 9 of them, There’s a poem for That – the below being one from the TEDEd initiative:      

The History of Writing

Being always interested in the origin of things this article caught my attention, prompting me to note down an exhibition I would like to visit this Summer at the British Library. Note to self: Before writing was invented poetry/song was performed, fluid. Then with writing it became fixed, the audience a more remote imagined presence; […]

Technical limitations

Having captured all the images of the paintings in progress, the processing of the hundreds of individual high-resolution image files is even more  laborious; each file has to go through numerous edits including in Lightroom, Photoshop, Da Vinci Resolve (for creating the video). Though it was all done meticulously throughout it is impossible to get […]

Symposium 2 – reflecting on feedback

I have had some problems retrieving the Skype feedback of my online peers but one thing I remember was the feedback in terms of hearing my  narration. I have discovered over the course of the MA that I really enjoy narrating. This has given me encouragement and impetus with respect to creating narratives to the […]