From rhythm to flow to flood and back again – a circular speculation
verb: flow; 3rd person present: flows; past tense: flowed; past participle: flowed; gerund or present participle: flowing
1.(of a liquid, gas, or electricity) move steadily and continuously in a current or stream.“from here the river flows north”
synonyms: run, move, go along, course, pass, proceed, glide, slide, drift, circulate, trickle, dribble, drizzle, spill, gurgle, babble, ripple; More -
(of the sea or a tidal river) move towards the land; rise.
2.go from one place to another in a steady stream, typically in large numbers.“people flowed into the huge courtyard”
proceed or be produced continuously and effortlessly.“talk flowed freely around the table”
synonyms: result, proceed, arise, follow, ensue, derive, stem, accrue; More -
(of clothing or hair) hang loosely in an easy and graceful manner.“her red hair flowed over her shoulders”
be available in copious quantities.“their talk and laughter grew louder as the excellent brandy flowed”
be caused by.“there are certain advantages that may flow from that decision”
3.(of a solid) undergo a permanent change of shape under stress, without melting.
noun: flow; plural noun: flows
1.the action or fact of moving along in a steady, continuous stream.“the flow of water into the pond”
the rate or speed at which something flows.“under the ford the river backs up, giving a deep sluggish flow”
the rise of a tide or a river.
2.a steady, continuous stream or supply of something.“a constant flow of people”
synonyms: movement, motion, course, passage, current, flux, drift, circulation; More -
3.SCOTTISHa watery swamp; a morass.
4.the gradual permanent deformation of a solid under stress, without melting.
go with the flow
be relaxed and accept a situation, rather than trying to alter or control it.
be relaxed and accept a situation, rather than trying to alter or control it.
in full flow
talking fluently and showing no sign of stopping.
talking fluently and showing no sign of stopping.
in mid flow
in the process of talking fluently. “the diplomats stopped her in mid flow, explaining they had to go to an important meeting”
in the process of talking fluently. “the diplomats stopped her in mid flow, explaining they had to go to an important meeting”

Old English flōwan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vloeien, also to flood.
noun: flood; plural noun: floods
- overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.“the villagers had been cut off by floods and landslides”
synonyms: inundation, swamping, deluge; More -
the biblical flood brought by God upon the earth because of the wickedness of the human race (Gen. 6 ff.).noun: Flood; noun: the Flood
the inflow of the tide.
LITERARYa river, stream, or sea.
- outpouring of tears.“she burst into floods of tears”
synonyms: outpouring, torrent, rush, stream, gush, surge, cascade, flow “she came home in a flood of tears”-
an overwhelming quantity of things or people happening or appearing at the same time.“his column provoked a flood of complaints”
synonyms: succession, series, string, chain; More antonyms: trickle
3.short for floodlight.
verb: flood; 3rd person present: floods; past tense: flooded; past participle: flooded; gerund or present participle: flooding
1.cover or submerge (an area) with water in a flood.“the dam burst, flooding a small town”
synonyms: inundate, swamp, deluge, immerse, submerge, drown, engulf “the dam burst, flooding a small town”-
become covered or submerged by a flood.“part of the vessel flooded”
(of a flood) force (someone) to leave their home.
(of a river) become swollen and overflow (its banks).
synonyms: overflow, burst its banks, brim over, run over; More -
overfill the carburettor of (an engine) with petrol, causing the engine to fail to start.
2.arrive in overwhelming amounts or quantities.“sunlight flooded in at the windows”
synonyms: pour, stream, surge, swarm, pile, crowd, throng “congratulatory messages flooded in”antonyms: trickle -
completely fill or suffuse.“she flooded the room with light”
overwhelm with large amounts or quantities.“our switchboard was flooded with calls”
synonyms: glut, swamp, saturate, oversupply, overfill, overload, overwhelm “imports were allowed to flood the domestic market”
3.(of a woman) experience a uterine haemorrhage.
be in flood — (of a river) be overflowing its banks.

Old English flōd, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vloed and German Flut, also to flow.