Circular – Cyclical – Circadian

from rhythm, to flow (also to flood), to circular, to cyclical, to circadian: circular /ˈsəːkjʊlə/ Learn to pronounce adjective adjective: circular 1. having the form of a circle. “the building features a circular atrium” synonyms: round, disc-shaped, disc-like; More (of a movement or journey) starting and finishing at the same place and often following roughly the circumference of an […]

Flow – Flood

From rhythm to flow to flood and back again – a circular speculation flow /fləʊ/ Learn to pronounce verb verb: flow; 3rd person present: flows; past tense: flowed; past participle: flowed; gerund or present participle: flowing 1. (of a liquid, gas, or electricity) move steadily and continuously in a current or stream. “from here the river flows north” synonyms: run, move, go […]

And We Begin Again

Beginning the next painting, (125 x 127 cm, oil on aluminium) So here you are and we begin again you are beautiful just as you are I turn you around and around all ways I would like to keep you forever just like this but I can only have you for a short time because […]

Timeline and the Cyclical

The painting is moving towards its inevitable, though always unpredictable conclusion.  I stand back and evaluate using the digital images, re-evaluating the picture.  To refresh the situation, I revisit the consideration of the picture’s orientation. From the beginning, I factored flexibility of orientation of the painting. I begin to see a preferred orientation emerging, perhaps, I […]


Above, the whole painting as it is now – I think about halfway along, perhaps more. I see it as being now fully a body, I see it as cultivated to a point where, if it were a biological entity, it could sustain the combined life-support functions normally carried out by separate organs such as […]