Poem a Day

As a start to the day, I love to receive these poems, courtesy of the Poetry Foundation, and this one, along with so many others I have received, is beautiful: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/157534/christos This led me to prompt the ever-so-popular AI bot (see below dotted line at the end of this post) which always gives me a […]

Pictopoietopia Poster

The above is an original draft design for a poster, introducing pictopoiesis to the world in a physical form (wall-hanging or otherwise such as collected in a folder) that is readily (and relatively inexpensively) obtainable in the world. The poster design is a way of combining the written poem and the painting into one form. […]


Thinking aloud about this word aura, which has been mentioned by Jonathan in reference to Walter Benjamin’s writings concerning Art: Some etymology: https://www.etymonline.com/word/aura aura Synonyms Synonyms air, ambience (orambiance), aroma, atmosphere, climate, flavor, halo, karma, mood, nimbus, note, odor, patina, smell, temper, vibration (s) Related Words aureole (oraureola), mystique, romance; genius loci; feel, feeling, sensation, sense, spirit; attribute, character, characteristic, image, mark, notion, peculiarity, picture, property, trait; color, illusion, overtone, semblance, suggestion, tone and by alighting on some of the above words I can perhaps understand better and explicate more clearly my own work, enabling me to continuously re-evaluate it […]


Above, the whole painting as it is now – I think about halfway along, perhaps more. I see it as being now fully a body, I see it as cultivated to a point where, if it were a biological entity, it could sustain the combined life-support functions normally carried out by separate organs such as […]

To do is to make, is to be

I feel that things are beginning to confirm themselves, clarifying the direction of my project – I am beginning to structure the proposal and shall write it up in a post soon. Jonathan’s Methodology lecture has helped in clarifying some matters that had been going around without anchor, in my mind for a long time, years […]

Unable to put into words

A bike ride across the fields a couple of evenings ago instigated some rudimentary snapshot photos of the dramatic sunset (I only had a pocket camera with me). I have uploaded them into my photo library and they sit amongst details of the painting in progress, posted on this blog. It struck me that there […]