
Finally, with Jonathan’s help I got my Research Paper uploaded onto moodle.  So to relax briefly, a few recent photos and reflections, also to broaden my context here a little. We are in Lincolnshire, on Apple Day we can take our apples to be identified. Our dear neighbours have given us an apple tree in their garden, so […]

Primary Field

The following post is a reflection on an earlier draft post I was unable to complete at the time. I would like to share it rather than forget it –   Returning to this primary field: First body completed by Blue Blue is a person? an organ of this body sky of its land   An instant, […]

Unable to put into words

A bike ride across the fields a couple of evenings ago instigated some rudimentary snapshot photos of the dramatic sunset (I only had a pocket camera with me). I have uploaded them into my photo library and they sit amongst details of the painting in progress, posted on this blog. It struck me that there […]