
as an extension to the continued first tutorial with Jonathan Kearney I add to the sentences so far: (the painting progresses further, header image detailing line) Sentences on the line by J Waring Rago: (second draft) a line is a dot which has grown straight lines suggest structure, particularly lines in parallel an edge is usually […]

First Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney (further reflections)

Jonathan drew my attention to some of the Sentences on  Conceptual Art by Sol Lewitt  -in particular sentences 19, 20 and 21, copied below. This interests me in that these come straight from the artist.  The sentences themselves are food for thought, as is also the idea of making a list of sentences about my own […]


First Tutorial: Monday 30th October 2107 (9.30 am) with Jonathan Kearney I benefitted hugely from this and felt very encouraged to do all that I had in mind (I have a lot in mind and did a lot of talking – too much to write here) and more. In particular, I see that it is important […]