Macrocosmic, Microcosmic

Timelapse of the future (video) As if through a window, a single point then line, a universe, and back again – animated sketch of a single line drawing: note to self: The universe inside the black dot/macrocosm, microcosm

Concerning the Elemental

Recombining the pictorial elements in animated form to make pictopoietic poems/poems of pictopoiesis 1.The Origin of Blue 33 sec. video:   notes to self: point, line, circular pathway that returns to source/origin, time, colour have several earlier works (painted) on this same theme

The future as a matter of the continuously evolving past

The painting above (125 x 127 cm) is one I have been working on today as I would like to complete it for the Summer show. It has been suspended for a year having been started early on in the MA. Here is a reminder of how it began and its story so far: